24 October 2006

no man's wo man?

I had my feet up on the table, clutching my handbag tensely, the empty shot in front of me and the strangely decent country music doing little to calm my nerves. The rat had streaked under my chair and was peering at me from behind a pot.

Bam looks at me and does his usual attempt at having an honest conversation (and produces the usual effect one might expect from trying to do so with a bizzarely intrusive question.) This wasn't really a question though.

"It would be impossible for me to land you a guy. No man would be interested, looks aside. You're the type of girl who would only appeal to other women."

At the time, i nodded indifferently. Yeah, maybe so. That might be a problem, wouldn't it? Hmm, perhaps you're right.

But now it begs the question:-
What are men looking for in personality? Do they look for a personality at all?
Help me out here... It won't do anything save answer to my curiosity.
I'm still convinced that there are men who can and do handle women who have opinions and are not tied to societal parameters of femininity.
There are a whole lot of generalizations in this entry, and I acknowldge them here.
Them white men come all the way here to bask in the fruits of generations of traditionalist subordination of women- demure, giggling, petite chicks who want to felt owned and taken care of.
Are Asian men no different?
Or perhaps sex really is all that sells if you choose to deviate...

Is it naive to refuse to believe so?

I think it's more a question of stability and predictability. Men want to know what to be on top of things, and to feel safe in a relationship. Don't get me wrong, anyone would and should be looking for safety in a relationship.
Still, the problem with me (as I assume some might see it) is that I am simply unable to understand why people have certain expectations of me, when they fail to subscribe to any brand of logic i understand. Hence, my supposedly erratic behaviour. It's not depression or a revolt against conformity- it's simply me doing as I please without needing to be answerable for my person, or my views, or a validation of how i look and act to verify my femininity and sexuality.

Of course, the hair issue seems to scare a lot of people in any case. Whether or not I look good (and I believe I do) seems irrelevant. The fact that it's not there appears to be a warning sign.
"Run, and don't look back. You'll never know what to expect with this one."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your hair's pretty cool and as an added benefit, from now on you can address yourself as the Borg Queen.