24 February 2007

Lip Service

First off,
Reason -there is no post on Mauritius here :I spent 2 hours uploading pics and stuff, only to get the html rejected for whatever the reason. (I'm not sure I really even know what that means!)

Reason -for this instead? : Just spent a bit chatting to K, who has taken to calling me sister in law since the trip because people so dig my bro.This chick comes off as one of those genuinely nice people, a live wire of sorts.
Well, as it turns out K 's been bitching about me (moderately in her defence) to K2.
Reason -The company wasn't bad, but I don't open up to everyone. Motion sickness + alcohol + some weird dizzy crap iv been going through for almost 2 weeks now put me on the quiet side of things. And apparently in Malaysia, when I talk, people decide then and there that they hate my guts, cuz well, I must think i'm just too good to be Malaysian. (more grumbling on what people think of my 'accent' some other time.)

It's funny, you think you sorta know someone and you learn that people really are full of crap and most can't give you anything at face value.
Reason - I reckon it gives people a sense of assuredness over others when they figure they know something somoeone else doesn't. When you see other people's flaws (also subjective), you feel less liable for your own.
And yet, everyone does it. Pretend, or change to suit other people's impressions of the nice guy. I mean, people really don't want to be disliked to they?

And yet,while we owe the honesty of avoiding disillusion to the people around us, we also owe them our respect for the social construct of etiquette and manners. So what if we'll never see a person again? Do people really think that civility and politeness are things from an era gone?

The way I see it, Shakespeare had it down:
Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none.

I'll try.

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