09 March 2007

My Scrotums & I

(I know that one should refrain from putting sentences in the passive form, but what the heck.)
Enough notes about me being an orientation office (aka OO) for m107 have been dropped for anyone who has been to this blog within the last month or so.
Well, it's Saturday now and the past week has been bizzarely long and messy.

This post is a tribute to all my baby sc12otums who made it through this week, and to "fellow Scrotum mama's & papas.

They were thrown together in a room on the second day of university and told that the slogan of the week that was to follow read (in no vague language) "How far would you go to survive?".

Sree, as the infiltrator in his role as the nerd from Ulu Yam carrying Davidson's had himself temporarily placed on a few 'most-wanted' lists with his manipulative cmpaigning for the group name SC12OTUM. (We have Hang Li Poh to thank for coming up with it.)

As it turns out the group wasn't the bag of bagels (the analogy seemed cute the first time I read/wrote it) we hoped they wouldn't be.

Aveena, having volunteered herself as group leader did a sensational job. Now that's one wacky momma if ever there was one, an absolutely marvelous sport from the very begnning. The feryact that they had meeting minutes deserves special mention!

The guys, Daniel (HLP), Jon, How-You-Doing-Yap and Dominic are each unforgettable in different ways.
Dominic turned out to be more determined an IMCC than I ever thought possible, and that's a compliment to guts and resolve as far as I'm concerned. He may not have won the crown as catwoman but the ka-chings are still ringing in my ears!

The beautiful girls (and that's not me being sweet) were unbelivable. Diana has one of the most evil laughs iv ever heard but the girl's a sweetheart. Yuan Lih's buns are going to be dancing in my head every time i look at a breadstand. Rachel my peanut is one of the cutest chicks i know. Amy & Prema were remarkable during the treasure hunt- I didn't think they'd make it after first station but i'm ecstatic they proved me wrong. Janice from Nibong Tebal, is quiet but definitely a sport whenit counted. Sin Ying, things worked out fine didnt they? Farina the lovable bit of dung.... (yes, yes, my current state of humor needs tweaking...)

Muf- Shriek! wasn't that bloody awesome?
Shanko, Meenu- We made it!
Thayvern- Wouldn't have been the scrotums if Aberdeen had an earlier school year, Glad to have gotten to know you a little bit better. Thanks ;-)

And to the M107 Orientation Committee- Thanks for giving me the best orientation week so far and for having the substance and style it took to do it.

1 comment:

yuanlih said...


How you doin'?
We scrotums rock! :p
Just drop by to say hi.
See you at school
