27 April 2007

blah blah blah

its absolutely terrible it is. it was rather. must stop buzzing, and really im buzzing way too much these days. every day it starts at about 2pm and goes on for variable lengths of time. when i say buzzing, i mean the sort of agitated jumpy feeling i used to get after too much coffee. and today ayman just went on talking and i think the guys nuts. because if he isn't i must be. no wait, i might be nuts but he really must be. that was almost traumatising having to buzz and feel sleepy and listen and contemplate going for mala maung all at the same time and now i have all this fried rice. so much for not eating.shankari's wearing a green bra strap and sitting in front of me looking at the god of small things. and all this talk about god.if i believed in god id have to believe that god let so much bad happen. then again karma does fit into the picture. but that just seems like something someone came up as a feel good tactic. someone who felt good about life in general anyway. and to think i used to think i'd end up being a monk on a hill. haha. im so screwed for cns, why doesn't it stop. perhaps its psychological. and if you think this looks weird, it really isnt. had this lecture on racing thoughts and i think im subconsciously thinking of it hence the manifestations. and i like typing on hiruni's laptop.

and im alice on msn for a while.


Ayman said...

she wanted to become a monk and live on top of a mountain an she call me crazy ?!


ndhaniya said...

ur the only one who thinks monks are head banging junkies poiki! =)

Ayman said...

why thank you dear :)

id like to see you do that tho.

oh wait, i think i've already seen the monk in you ;-)


now where did i put those robes i got from thailand....