13 April 2007

so now what?

Right, so I doodle with blog surfing on my run-away-from-imu-day, only to find myself (surprise surprise!) skimming through more imu-ite blogs. To be fair, i've unearthed hordes of juniors' blogs but I think i'll update my link list later.

Decidedly making a flee attempt from medic rationale and whinging, I tried a 180^ turn and before i knew it, I was knee deep in the smuck of leftie blog archives-owned by young, disgruntled, tech savvy idealists who have things to say and have discovered at least one way of saying them.

Don't get me wrong, just like any other non bumi in this country, my parents are gnawing furiously at my psyche and taking all right turns possible to get me out of this place. Not that all that much effort is needed for the former. I mean, all you really need is a few years of government school education to know that Muthu was a rubber tapper, Chong a tin miner, and Abu a farmer: a nice big integrated happy nation we are. Alright, so the economic segregation along racial lines?- The british took the fall for that. Look how we got past it-

Equality for all! The average Joe has no need to fear now, for mediocrity (and that's me being polite) get's rewarded with killer education opportunities and subtle financial nudges. Perhaps I should mention the fine print: (Not all races need apply).

So we get rid of the colonial bastards, elect our own leaders, and create a constitution to protect the people who got us here. But wait a minute, what do we expect? Rights?

Visit Malaysia 2007- marvel at the brilliancy and creative genius behind the Eye of Malaysia, The technology on which the twin towers stand, and the fact that all Malaysians speak in Malay but the chicks at KFC counters can't understand the menu written in English.
Don't you just love national pride?

People as of late have been trying to convince me to see either side of the coin, none have tried taking a middle stand. Adaptability, the key to survival isn't it? It seems that I've adapted to life here, and perhaps that scares me a little now. That i've taken comfort and familiarity over everything else I'd decided I ought to stand for.

My nation, my home?

I'll readily admit to being confused and undecided.

1 comment:

Ayman said...

hear hear