28 May 2007


It never ceases to amaze me, how things fit together.

If the thought of impending health hazards like EOS have managed to do anything to me, it's been to amaze me that everything about our bodies work in tandem to accomplish the most basic of functions, as far as we're concerned anyway. It's all so spectacularly meticulous, so precise. God must have been one smart dude.

It's fascinating to learn how people work as well. You get a few odd ones who go postal (look muf, i used ur word) on psych models once in a while. Still, while I'd hate to define people by any concrete means, people aren't just faceless enigmas that you strike conversation with for the mere sake of socialising. Evere person is the way they are because of some life changing event, or some pattern of environment. And the deeper you dig, the more you find... usually. Sometimes you just end up with a whole lot of muck you'd have much rather left unearthed... or worse, shitloads of gravel.

And then there's the idea that if you don't get what you think you want, right here and now, things will never work out.
How can you ever tell what you really want most when you've never sampled the rest of the menu?
Perhaps sometimes you want it to get a little sticky instead of playing it too safe?

1 comment:

Sassy said...

I totally agree with you!