25 May 2007

Thought Bubbles

Musing, waiting for the coffee to wear off..

1. It's better to be underestimated than overestimated. With the latter, you get found out eventually and by the time people have figured you out, they've also figured out how to get around you. With the former, people don't have so much of a guard up and it's easier for you to see through it.

2. I have a bottle of mineral water branded 'Sparkletts'. If I had a vocal group in the 60's, I'd call it the Sparkletts.

3. American Idol #Some insane number or the other just ended with Jordin getting the majority of 72 million votes. Why do more American's care about a 17 year old getting a recording contract than leaving a numbskull in the most powerful chair in the world? But then again, on another note, I can't imagine winning American Idol at the age of 17. Gosh.

4. I'm going to have this gaping hole in me for a while when Snuffles is gone. Sniffle.

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